Thursday, February 16, 2012

Session #40: Flirting with Death

Had everyone for tonight's session, some AFKs here and there but the main problem was lag. On to the recap.

We picked right up where we left off with the encounter in the wizard's tower; the howling ghouls unleashed their screaming terror attacks, nasty push attacks which tore through the party and left all but one person bloodied. Despite Deckard & Amnon being knocked out the windows, the party managed to overcome the ghouls and drove them off. Amnon discovered what his new robes did, and they decided to depart the tower after a short rest.

The party then headed toward the chapel - their trail through the ruins ended up leading into another pack of ghouls. They had to fight through them, then they managed to arrive at the chapel proper. They were quickly set upon by ghouls, and cornered at the side of the chapel for quite a long time. Unfortunately, I had to railroad them a little by insinuating the chapel was the most secure building they'd be able to find in the area. After this, they made for the chapel doors - this is when things started to go downhill. After having their surges chewed through by the previous two encounters, the party started to drop - the worst was endured by Cyrus, who was actually dead at the end of the encounter.

Fleeing toward the doors, the party locked themselves in the courtyard and tried to escape inside - the ghouls made it difficult for them, however, by grabbing Cyrus (who had gone down) and leaping from the roof to attack. The party managed to escape, however, and entered the chapel (which had quite an odor coming from inside it) to find a horrifying spectacle inside...which I decided to hold off on describing until next session, because we had gone way over.

Hope everyone enjoyed the session - see you guys next week!

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