Thursday, January 26, 2012

Session #37: Don't Go Into the Tall Grass

Latency cooperated for the most part during this session. Here's how things went.

The party discovered that the unconscious man was a trader from Hampstead who was on his way back there when he and his trader friend, Alvis, were attacked by the ghouls. Alvis was killed; the man, Janus Harwick, passed out during the attack. The party sent Harwick back to warn Falconia of what was going on, and he asked the party to find his wife, Beth Harwick.

Heading further toward Hampstead, the party emerged from the forest into rolling fields of tall grass, crops, and grain. A powdery white substance began falling from the sky as they moved closer to Hampstead; they discovered this to be powdered bone, though it resembled snow or ash in the way it fell from the sky. A similar powder falls from the sky in the abyssal domain of Doresain, the Ghoul King & one of the prime exarches of the Demon Prince of the Undead, Orcus.

Eventually, the party found a boarded-up farmhouse. They couldn't find anyone inside initially, so they decided to have Cyrus break down the door. He succeeded, and they found a family hiding inside. The noise they had made quickly drew ghouls to the house, and they came under siege. Byron was nearly dragged off in the battle, as the ghouls swarmed the house, but the party managed to save him and drive the ghouls off.

After this battle, the party decided to help the family escape the fields around Hampstead, which were crawling with ghouls using the tall grass for cover. This led to an exceedingly long encounter where the party escorted the family through a field of tall grass while being attacked by a constant stream of ghouls. The grandfather of the family was lost in this battle, but the party managed to get the rest of the family out of the fields and to the relative safety beyond.

The last encounter took us 2, maybe even 3 hours - it was a lengthy affair to be sure, but the party managed to succeed well enough, save for the grandfather's death. See everyone next week!

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