Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Session #34: Entering the Manor

No Sterling again. No Phil either. On to recap.

The party Stealthed through the menagerie and found a number of dwarves in the main hall above. They managed to kill one without alerting the others, but decided that they may as well just engage in combat with them. They took out the dwarf warriors rather easily, and the dwarf clan guards didn't prove to be much trouble. The trained owlbear was a bit difficult, but it was focused and thus went down quickly. The party, specifically Vorgym, found their biggest issue with the dwarf captain who led the guards. He had a power which allowed him to mark two of his foes for the duration of the encounter; he did this to Vorgym & Shivra, the two damage dealers. He also had a nasty power which allowed him to counterattack any attack made by someone he had marked, and he used this on Vorgym twice. Eventually, he went down; the party short rested thereafter.

Next, the party explored the rooms downstairs, finding two fancy bedrooms. They found a diary in one which stated that the password to the manor's vault, where they figured their treasure would be, had been recently changed to "something that was different, and yet the same, in all the bedrooms." (Note: I went ahead and retconned this - the original message had said "something that was the same in all three rooms", but to prevent confusion I have adjusted the message accordingly.)

After exploring these rooms and finding nothing else of real interest, the party headed into the big double doors one of the guards who had attempted to escape had unlocked. Inside they found a library, along with Gregor Amberforge, his father Thanos Amberforge, and their personal bodyguard, Mullas Stonefist. Thanos & Mullas left to attend a wedding; Gregor was to stay behind and deal with the intruders, which he sought to accomplish by setting loose a young red dragon, "Blazewing", and another dwarf captain on them. The fight is roughly in the home stretch at this point - the captain has been taken down, and Blazewing has been bloodied; his immediate recharge and usage of his fiery breath weapon (which is much hotter & much stronger now that he is bloodied) has sent Deckard into dying, and both Vorgym & Seamus into bloodied. We will have to see how this turns out next week!

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