Sterling did not make it to this session - in addition, Jordan got sick before we started and had to leave, so I NPCed Deckard and Sal NPCed Seamus. On to the recap.
After escaping the pit with the otyughs, the party continued to navigate the room - due to a bad Perception roll, they failed to find any other pit traps, and ended up falling down into the pit. This time, they decided to just kill the otyughs. After killing them, they found a secret passage in the pit, and took it up to another room. Beyond this room, they found a room which seemed harmless enough at first - until they stepped inside, which immediately set off a number of deadly traps - the room was filled with poison darts firing from the walls, scythes began swinging across the chamber, and Vorgym, who had managed to avoid all of this, fell into a pit filled to ankle height with acid. To make things worse, the door was trapped with a number of kissing maidens, hidden pillars that swing up from under a panel in the floor and knock back anyone in front of them - right into the pit.
The party had a hell of a time in this room, and Vorgym was left with no surges; many others were left at low health, with low surge reserves, but the party managed to enter the next room. This room was not trapped aside from the standard traps around the coin-operated doors, but this room had a steel door as opposed to a stone door. The party, through somewhat painful trial-and-error, eventually figured that the door took platinum coins - as a result, they decided to head back through the trap room and explore the other wing of the vault after an extended rest.
Their second journey through the trap room proved to show the dangers of the scythe traps, which connected with a number of targets, namely Amnon & Vorgym. After finally escaping the dastardly trap room a second time, the party opened the remainder of the golden doors after heading back through the pit, as the doors only open from one side, and headed back to the wing with the gray stone doors. There they returned to the room with the pit, and attempted to cross - they ended up having Amnon fall into the pit, where he took damage from a 20-foot drop and a set of poisonous spikes. He also encountered a trio of green slimes waiting to feast on anything that fell in.
This encounter proved simple enough, as the party had already eluded the most diabolical part of it - a gelatinous cube on the northern end of the thin hallway they were in was supposed to drop down from the ceiling, and push the party into the pit along with the gelatinous cube at the southern end. However, they disabled the trap trigger for dropping the cube, and as such they only had to deal with the pit, the slimes and the southern cube. After this encounter, the party took a short rest and we ended the session there.
Andrew says he may not be around; so long as we've got at least 5 players around we will be going ahead with the session as usual, I'd like to stay away from having to NPC more than one character though. See everyone Wednesday, sorry for the late recap!
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