Starting next session I'm going to be testing a new houserule: feasts. A feast is, essentially, an intermediary point between extended rests and short rests. When the party decides to feast, they must spend one hour in the same location and eat a meal. By doing so, characters can recover 2 healing surges, or their Con mod in healing surges, whichever is higher.
To provide an example: Deckard has a Con mod of 3. When Deckard feasts, he recovers 3 healing surges. Conversely, Vorgym has a Con mod of 0 - when he feasts, he only recovers 2 surges. This should help ease the necessity of taking extended rests.
Feasting can be done a maximum of twice per day, and characters cannot feast a second time for 4 hours after their first feast. If a feast is interrupted, characters only regain half the surges normally gained, and cannot resume the feast after the encounter.
Rather than having characters track the amount of food in their possession, I will be having everyone pay 5 gold pieces, the standard price for a feast, every time they do this. We'll be testing this out, as I said, so I may tweak this rule as we go along. Thanks for reading, see everyone Wednesday!
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