Thursday, March 8, 2012

Session #43: Going Along With It

Speaking to the wizard's guild in Falconia, the party learned an alternative way into Elanath's Tower - they could hire a ship, sail to the cliffs below the tower, scale the cliffs, and navigate the caves until they find the tunnels below the tower. With this and their other option, speaking to Elanath, in mind, they opted to head to speak to Elanath in Nogram. Along the way, their carriage was stopped at Blackhammer's Watch, and they learned that only dwarves were being allowed into Kinsfort as a result of the royal wedding going on between Queen Coratra Redbeard and Gihren Amberforge, son of Thanos Amberforge - a family the party has some familiarity with.

They had to set out on foot from there, and the first night, they were attacked by bandits - the bandits were easily trounced, however, and the next day, the party arrived in Nogram. There, they fought a group of zombies until Elanath came out and stopped them, revealing that the zombies were actually people disguised by a ritual. Speaking to Elanath, the party learned that the vampire cursed to be unable to leave the tower was indeed Ctenmiir, and that the Mire of Deathly Grasp, a mire of skeletons and acidic quicksand, could only be crossed by undead. Elanath explained that he could perform the same ritual on the party that he did on the village's defenders. Cyrus took serious issue with this, and had to be convinced to go along with it, but he now mistrusts Amnon's motives and will be keeping an eye on him, which could be an issue for the party down the road.

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